For my zine, I am interested in doing a fusion of old and new art styles. Essentially, I want to combine art from the Renaissance, Mannerism, Baroque, etc. periods with modern digital art in a way that complements, but does not distract, from the beauty in both time periods. For the older art that I use/create, I want more bland colors with less detail. Then, with modern digital art platforms such as Procreate, Illustrator, and Photoshop, I want to add color and modern symbols to renew these classic pieces. I chose this theme for my zine because I believe that new art forms, such as graphic design and digital art, should complement and progress old art methods, not replace them. I plan to create an eight-page zine, but am not entirely sure on how many pages I will end up making. I have input some images of the pieces that inspired this theme.
