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Project #4 Brainstorm Blog


I originally had three ideas for this project, however, I think I will do a combination of all three. I will use world, country, state, and city maps that have unique links on each one taking the user to informational pages on each of the locations. I will most likely start with continents, then move to countries, then states or cities. Within these locations, I will try to make the journey of the user very unique by putting links in places that teach the user about the location. For example, in Spain, where soccer is played a lot, I will put a link into the soccer ball that displays the sport team’s information/record, or the history of soccer. I will also incorporate links into countries that will show users what the best tourist attractions are, including notable landmarks, the seven wonders of the world, and more. Overall, I want my webventure to be informative and let people choose their own path to learn more about locations and things they are interested in.



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