My name is Luke Smith and I am from Lone Tree, Colorado. I am a sophomore studying finance and information management & analytics with a certificate in quantitative finance and minors in economics and mathematics.

I do not have much experience with digital art, however, my interest in it began when I purchased a drone and began making drone films. I have made a few films combining drone videos from multiple places across the United States. I am inspired by unique architecture and beautiful landscapes. I would like to improve my video editing skills. Additionally, I work as a paralegal at a small Denver law firm where I handle the marketing for the firm. In this role, I have had the opportunity to make a variety of ads, commercials, and more. Although this graphic design may not be too creative, it is a form of digital art, one that I have had lots of experience with. I mainly use Canva for ads, promotions, etc. Lastly, I have spent some time making digital art on my iPad through Procreate (see images). I would really like to learn more about Procreate since it has an endless number of features. When drawing, I usually follow along with a video online, rather than attempt to create something unique myself. I want to be able to draw something I envision without having to follow along with a tutorial. I approach art by planning out what I want to create beforehand, rather than just deciding as I go. In the future, I would like to be able to confidently create and edit photos, visuals, drawings, and more through a variety of platforms, such as Photoshop, After Effects, Illustrator, etc.