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Project #4 Final Artist Statement


Originally, my idea for this project was very broad overall with the main focus being replicating a travel itinerary. However, I forgot to prioritize the fictional aspects of the project. Therefore, when initially completing my project, it seemed like a boring travel website. As a result, I decided to add fictional items. Some of these fictional aspects were mythical creatures, incorrect information, or humorous twists on well-known landmarks. The fictional elements greatly supplemented the bland travel itinerary. The main point I want to get across to viewers is that travel is very important. While there are several risks and cons, such as cost, traveling improves people’s outlook and overall understanding of cultures, people, communities, and more across the world, making people more well-rounded beings. The fictional elements of my piece emphasize the importance of imagination, even for adults. I personally think that travel is an incredible source of imagination, creativity, and beauty, which is why everyone should travel! The images I attached are of my plan for the project, along with some of my inspirations.



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