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Project 1 Artist Statement


My inspiration for this project was revitalizing old works of art with modern digital techniques. The name of my project is the “Evolution of Art,” and in order to create this I downloaded several different famous art pieces from the past, including sculptures, paintings, and more, such as the Mona Lisa and the sculpture of David. Then, with programs like Procreate, Photoshop, and Illustrator, I added modern elements like colors, well-known characters and objects, emotions, and more. I chose this theme because I wanted to show that old art pieces that we have all come to know very well should not be replaced by modern art methods such as digital art, but supplemented and enhanced instead. Adding to old art allows us to add complexity and new thoughts and themes that can change the meaning of the original pieces. I found it difficult to add to art pieces without completely changing them or overshadowing their original beauty and meaning. As a result, I tried to accentuate the main parts of each piece with the digital art methods I used instead of entirely recreating or transforming them. For future projects, I will create a better plan before I start each piece so it will be more organized and scheduled.



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